In June 2015, the world was captivated by an unexpected internet sensation: Raymond "DeVere" Johnson, a 92-year-old World War II veteran believed to be the last survivor of the LST-218. Desperate to find fellow comrades, his daughter posted a heartfelt plea on Facebook. What happened next was extraordinary—a viral sensation, with over a million views and media attention from around the globe. Within weeks, 91-year-old veteran John Heimsoth was found. Together, they planned a momentous reunion, their first and last chance to reconnect after decades apart.
John had long believed he was the last living member of the LST-218, having hosted what he thought was the final reunion in the early 2000s. DeVere, living a secluded life, had no idea these reunions even took place. Only after the viral post did he begin to share his war stories with his family. This reunion became more than a meeting; it was a historic event. THE LAST SIGNAL is a thrilling and heartwarming tale of two veterans defying time, proving it's never too late to make history. Join them on a journey that shows the enduring power of friendship and the extraordinary stories that emerge at the end of life. What People Are Saying"This heartwarming film is quality from start to finish. From the sound mixing, to the coloration, to the cinematography, to the music selection, to the use of archival footage, to something as simple as the font of the title --- all the production values are present. Mr. Heimsoth’s tale of how he brought closure to families, and seeing DeVere Johnson finally smile at the end---so worthwhile. The excerpt of Cheryl Johnson’s speech, to “learn these stories”, is so important. The love among the members of the Johnson family is genuine and apparent."
"All the production values are there and this is a well made film, but what really makes this film work is the clarity of the story line. The directing in this film is the work of a clear professional. It is a well woven and well told story, purposeful, outstanding and touching, the essence of what “America” used to be and perhaps can someday be again." |
Raymond Devere Johnson (L) and his daughter, Cheryl Johnson Young
John Heimsoth